Field Triage Tools
ADF Digital Evidence Investigator® (DEI) is the industry leading digital investigation tool for collecting files and artifacts – with evidence presented in a timeline view. Now you can conduct intelligent digital investigations easier, faster and smarter to reduce forensic backlogs.
Easily adapting to rapidly evolving digital forensic needs and circumstances, DEI is all about speed, scalability, ease-of-use, and relevant results. DEI is a fully automated and highly configurable artifact and file collection tool. Relevant social media, peer to peer file sharing, web browsing, and email data can be quickly recovered along with many other file types. You can also minimize and eliminate the need for complex configurations, manually parsing files, or running multiple scripts.

ADF Triage Investigator
Triage-Investigator® is ADF’s automated intelligent forensic triage tool designed for field deployment with Digital Evidence Investigator®. The software has a proven track record of providing easy and quick access to court defendable evidence. Forensic Examiners can process cases and leverage investigators to assist forensic labs with the rapid collection, analysis, reporting, and management of digital forensic backlogs.
Triage-Investigator® is easy-to-use, easily configurable, supports a wide array of computer hardware, has powerful boot capabilities, is forensically sound, and comes with technical support and regular upgrades.
ADF Triage-G2
Triage-G2® is ADF’s award-winning media exploitation tool deployed by special forces, military, and intelligence agencies worldwide. As the ultimate cyber triage tool, Triage-G2 has a proven track record supporting sensitive site exploitation operations (including DOMEX, MEDEX, and tactical media exploitation as a key component of biometric identity kits).
Designed for forward-deployed operators with stealth capabilities, operators follow a rapid 2-step process, Triage-G2® will rapidly scan, extract, and analyze critical intelligence from computers and digital devices. The tool can be deployed in the field for reconnaissance on a small, rugged USB key.

Mobile Device Investigator®, is a new digital investigation tool built from the ground up to leverage ADF Solutions’ powerful digital forensic investigation platform. Mobile Device Investigator (MDI) enables anyone to quickly conduct iOS and Android investigations on-scene or in the lab. Whether you are handling Child Exploitation cases, human trafficking, fraud, terrorism or performing any type of investigation, Mobile Device Investigator is the new powerful tool you’ll want in your toolkit.
Hancom MD-Live is mobile forensic software for performing live on-scene extraction and analysis of mobile devices.
The MD-Live supports logical extractions and quick data analysis. Easy to learn and use, MD-Live supports selective acquisition without privacy infringement, screen captures / recording of smartphone displays mirrored, and forensic process recording by an external camera of the internal recording feature.

Detego Ballistic Imager
Detego® Ballistic Imager is the world’s fastest patented forensic imaging tool and an obvious choice for Tactical Media Exploitation (TME) and Digital Media Exploitation (DOMEX) investigations. Detego® Ballistic Imagers’ field-proven and unique capability, minimizes acquisition times in the critical, time-pressured environments, often encountered by Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies. Detego® Ballistic Imager forensically copies Hard Disk Drives (HDD) in minutes (without the need for removal). Its intuitive interface allows both non-technical and technical users with a 20-minute training overhead to deploy Detego® Ballistic Imager against operating systems including Windows, Apple Mac and Linux systems and is forensically sound, with MD5, SHA1 and SHA256 validation.
Detego® Field ‘Triage
Detego® Field ‘Triage’; a powerful yet simple-to-use solution, that will expedite any criminal investigation or Military operation. Detego® Field ‘Triage’ enables end users to quickly identify the relevance of a digital device (computers, USB’s, memory cards, tablets, external hard drives etc.) during an investigation / operation. This streamlined process reduces investigation times, training burdens and costs, allowing for significantly faster charging and conviction of criminals, while Military commanders gain access to high value, critical information at the touch of a button. For some crime types, such Indecent Images of Children and Internet Crimes Against Children (IIOC / ICAC) – a court report can be produced within minutes from acquiring data.

Detego Auto Rip and Detego Rapid Rip
Detego® Auto Rip® and Detego® Rapid Rip® are portable exploitation tools that discreetly and covertly acquire passwords, usernames, system information, files and URLs from a target laptop, PC or server.
Detego® Autorip: Licensed to a specially designed thumb drive with a multi-colour LED status indicator. Detego® Rapid Rip: Can be deployed on most, discrete standard USB thumb drives giving an unlimited range of options.
Belkasoft Triage
Belkasoft Triage is a new digital forensic and incident response tool developed specifically for a quick analysis of a live computer and making a partial image of important data.
Belkasoft T is designed to assist in situations when an investigator or a first responder is at the scene of an incident and needs to quickly identify and obtain specific digital evidence stored on a Windows machine.
The product is irreplaceable in situations of time pressure, when there is a need to quickly detect presence of specific data and obtain investigative leads instead of conducting an in-depth analysis of all the digital evidence.

MSAB Raven
Raven from MSAB is an innovative, highly portable mobile device exploitation tool designed for operators in the field who need to quickly extract data and turn it into actionable intelligence. Raven is a collection of Android applications that can run on most Android devices including mobile phones, tablets, and computers. The Raven apps are centrally managed and include the Raven app store. MobEX, SIMEX, FlashEX, and DronEX — plus the Odin app to let you quickly view the extraction results, check hit lists and watch lists, find most recent location data, and more.
Cellebrite Frontliner
Cellebrite Frontliner, a key component of Cellebrite’s Field Solutions, field officers can collect key evidence from crime scenes and receive consent-based digital data from witnesses that is kept forensically sound. With a user-friendly mobile application, field officers increase witness and victim cooperation by selecting and transferring only relevant pictures, videos and documents from their mobile devices.

Magnet Outrider
Magnet OUTRIDER is a triage tool that rapidly scans computers and storage devices for digital contraband, including child sexual abuse material and applications linked to the dark web, peer-to-peer file sharing, cloud storage and cryptocurrency. Public safety organizations are using Magnet OUTRIDER on-scene and in the digital forensics lab to quickly determine which devices require deeper analysis and to gather real-time intelligence about suspects that investigators can leverage.